Friday, December 11, 2009

Have some class....

There are approximately 1 million people who use social sites like,, and

Now, I think these site are wonderful. Its a great way to keep in contact with friends from high school, college, or kids from the block. It is also a great way to promote and advertise yourself or business. But I think we are starting to take advantage of these sites. I must admit I am guilty of this as well. Have you every turned on your computer, logged into your account and the first thing you on somebodies status is" I fuckin hate you and you suck".

Basically what I'm trying to say is stop putting your personal business out on these social sites. People lets remember, this is the internet. Like I said before I am guilty of this but I have learned from my ignorance. I thought it was cute for everybody to know your miserable and upset but its not. Now don't get me wrong, when I say personal business I mean, who cares if he/she left you, who cares if you got haters, who cares if your partner lied to you, who cares about your relationship problems. Especially relationship problems. That is your business. To me when you put your relationship problems out there, you are inviting people into your personal space and thats how alot of this shit starts. You have to know your limits. I'm not telling you how to use your Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace but have some more class people.

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