Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I am da club.....

We all have had our share of club experiences. We all have seen some crazy stuff in these clubs. So I took it upon myself to create a list of rules that should be followed in the club. Granted its not all of the rules but its the most important rules in my eyes.

So here it is for the Ladies and Gentlemen...Club etiquette

For my ladies, if a dude comes up to you and speaks and your not interested, give him the common courtesy of saying "no thanks and have a good night" Some of you females are so rude and disrespectful. Apparently there was something that sparked his eye for him to even speak to you.

For my dudes, if you see a lady that is attractive to you and she so happens to walk by you, don't grab by the arm and pull her to you. That's Domestic Violence.

For my dudes, if your trying to holla at a chick and she rejects you, don't get mad and call her out of her name. Be a Gentleman and just say "OK..well have a good night" Maybe that will change her mind about you.

For my dudes, if you do proceed to get the chicks number that's good. But don't follow her around the club. Your only being a stalker.

For my ladies, you all know when you go to the club you wanna dance, so please if you wanna jump on stage and dance, PLEASE have some panties on. Even though its a good sight, that's just not lady like.

For my dudes, mainly all clubs have a dress code, Please come dressed to part. It is aggravating to stand in line with your homeboy for an hour to only get turned away at the door because he got sneakers on.

For my dudes and ladies, please have some sort of breath freshener on deck. Nobody wants to talk to someone with bad breath.

For my dudes, if your talking to a young lady and her friend is standing by her, 9 times out of ten she is not cock blocking. They probably came together.

For both of you, its cool to dance close together. But if I have to offer you a condom then we have a problem.

For both, don't drink if you can hold your liq.

For both, tip the bartender and trust me they will get you right.

For my dudes, don't grab a girls ass. That is sexual harassment and your smart self can go to JAIL.

For both, don't blame it on the goose, you just loose.

For both, just be cool in the club. Don't act as if you never saw a dude or female.

For both, leave the club at the club.

For both, when your leaving the club and you know your throwed off, PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE don't drive. Find somebody to take you home or call a cab. DUI ain't no joke.

For my ladies, it is not cute for you to get extremely drunk. Like Sommore said, Be a fucking lady and sip don't drink.

1 comment:

  1. Lol ummm I drink damn it!!!!!!!!!!!! I still be cute because I can out drink men!!!!!1
