Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year !!!!

Alright folks, it is here. It's 2010. WOW, I wonder where I was 10 years ago. But anyways, days leading up to the New Year, folks on facebook and twitter have been talking about all this change they're going to make. CHILD PLEASE.. In the words of one of my friends on facebook, they are making "New Week Resolutions."

This year, I'm not changing, I'm upgrading. I refuse to give in to this crap you need to change because its a New Year. My motto is "if it can't help me or make me cash, I DON'T CARE." Call me sel-fish but for so long, I have constantly looked out for people and all I got was shade thrown my way. So I'm upgraded and doing me and only me. So Happy New Year to you and your. In 2010 let's rock out with our cocks

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