Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Rude !!!

As diverse as this world is today, you would think that folks would be more open-minded but I guess not. Where I work, the population is 40% Black 50% Hispanic and 10% Caucasian.

So on this particular day, there were 4 Hispanic employees sitting in our office talking in English. So I proceeded to walk in the office. Once they saw me, they got quiet and started there conversion in Spanish. I thought nothing of it. So about 10 minutes later, something told me to leave, walk back in and see what happens. When I walked back in, they did it again. So I came to the conclusion that they were talking about me. One mind told me to go off on them and the other said there not worth the entertainment. To make a long story short they continued to talk in Spanish the entire time I sat in the office with them.

Now don't get me wrong, they have every right to talk in whatever language they want, but don't throw shade by being nasty with it. If you have something to say about me, be man or women enough to say it in my language. It's people like them, that make it hard for different races to unite and have peace. I just thank God that I was raised to not entertain ignorance unless I really have to. Cause at the end of the day, they were the cowards, not me.

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